Birmingham Charity Fish Auctions

Report for - Sunday 3rd June 2018
Royal British Legion - Quinton Branch
211, Worlds End Lane, Quinton, Birmingham, B32 2RX.

We raised £300 for the Poppy Appeal Fund.

The day went well with about 60 plus attending which was up on last auction.
We had a visitor from as far away as Hartlepool who brought 80+ lots.

Deb experimented with a live video feed to facebook which seemed to work OK. You can see the results with this 10 minute slice.
Also a few pics on facebook while setting up. Didn't get chance to take any during the auction.

A small sample of fish sold on the day -

Danio pathirana - £15
Oryzias Orange - £16
Oryzias latipes Miyuki - £7.50
Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotyl - £8
Guppy - Red Tail Big Ear - £13
Guppy - Chilli Platinum - £16
Guppy - Red Half Moon Tail - £7
Xiphophorous pygmaeus Gold - £7
Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora - £5
Zoogeneticus tequila - £5
Corydoras adolfoi - £6.50
Corydoras loxozonus - £8
Corydoras CW14 - 318
L144 Lemon Ancistrus - £11
Neolamprologus tetracanthus - £5
Rivulus rubrolineatus - £5
Skiffia V188 - £8