Rift Lake Cichlids - Natural
Foods Eaten in the Wild.
Lake Tanganyika
The table below shows foods taken by each
species or genera. It is presented as a guide only.
Generally fish with long intestines feed on vegetable matter whilst those with
short intestines are carnivorous.
Altolamprologus calvus & A.compressiceps | Fish fry & crustaceans. Some reports they will rob eggs of other cichlid species. |
Asprotilapia leptura | Crops algae from rocks. |
Aulonocranus dewindti | Insect larvae & invertebrates. Has a very sensitive detection system to locate prey. |
Bathybates | Fish, mainly Stolothrissa & Limnothrissa sp. |
Benthochromis melanoides & tricoti | Small crustaceans & plankton. |
Boulengerochromis microlepis | Fish. |
Callochromis | Opportunist feeding on anything they can find filtering in the sand. |
Chalinochromis | Snails. |
Cunningtonia longiventralis | Scrapes the biocover for algae. |
Cyathopharynx furcifer | Small foods like unicellular algae, diatoms (including diatom skeletons) & plankton floating in the water column. Also feeds from the biocover & sand floor. Stomach contents of wild fish have shown large quantities of sand. |
Cyathopharynx schoutedeni | As for C.furcifer. |
Cyphotilapia frontosa | Feeds on fish, mainly Cyprichromis which drop to the bottom during the night. C.frontosa feed at first light before the Cyprichromis fully wake up. |
Cyprichromis | Zooplankton. |
Eretmodus | Scrapes algae from rocks |
Gnathochromis permaxillaris | Plankton, zooplankton. |
Gnathochromis pfefferi | Only eats 'meaty' foods - not specialised to any particular item. Not vegetarian. |
Grammatotria lemairii | Hard shelled invertebrates found in the sand. This species first blow the top layer of sand away & dives deeper into the lower levels of the sand base. |
Greenwoodochromis christyi & bellcrossi | Both species have powerful mouths & live at depth. Possibly live on crabs & molluscs. |
Haplotaxodon microlepis | Fish predator. Young fish take zooplankton. |
Hemibates stenosoma | Fish predator. |
Julidochromis | Snails. |
Lamprologus callipterus | Crustaceans, insect larvae young Cichlid fry from other species. |
Lamprologus lemairei | Fish, primarily small Cichlids. |
Lamprologus ornatipinnis | Zooplankton. |
Lamprologus signatus | Zooplankton. |
Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus | Fish. Also known to take scales from other larger fish. |
Lepidolamprologus elongatus | Feeds on fish fry & fish particularly Nematolebias elongatus. Also takes crustaceans & insect larvae. Juveniles take plankton. |
Lepidiolamprologus profundicola | Feeds on fish. |
Lestradea | Micro organisms. Sifts sand for small food particles & feeds from 'ooze' which accumulates in small areas of the sand floor. |
Limnochromis abeelei | Large crabs & small fish. |
Limnochromis auritus | Snails. Juveniles take Zooplankton. |
Limnochromis staneri | Small molluscs. |
Limnotilapia dardennei | Higher forms of plant including Chara. L.dardennei is found with large concentrations of this plant. |
Lobochilotus labiatus | A deep water species feeding on crabs. Young are known to suck invertebrates from sponges. Also known to suck mussels & snails from their shells. Young eat crustaceans & insect larvae. |
Microdontochromis tenuidantatus | Micro organisms, insect larvae & crustaceans. As no sand was found in stomach contents it is thought this species does not feed off the bottom sand layer. |
Neolamprologus brevis | Zooplankton. |
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus | Zooplankton. |
Neolamprologus christyi | Invertebrates, insect larvae, molluscs & worms. |
Neolamprologus elongatus complex | Zooplankton (Cyclops types). The small length of the intestine (60%) would indicate a more carniverous diet. |
Neolamprologus fasciatus | Small shrimps & fish. |
Neolamprologus furcifer | Crustaceans & insect larvae. |
Neolamprologus leleupi group | Invertebrates. Fry take plankton. |
Neolamprologus meeli | Insect larvae & shrimp. |
Neolamprologus modestus & N.mondabu | Small snails (Chytra kirki, Spekia zonata, Paramelania damoni & Tanganycia rufofilosa). Also takes eggs of the Killifish Lamprichthys tanganicanus. |
Neolamprologus moorii | Varied diet. Known to take invertebrates but also ingests algae from the biocover. |
Neolamprologus niger | Small molluscs, Zooplankton, crustaceans & insect larvae. |
Neolamprologus petricola | Insect larvae. |
Neolamprologus pleuromaculatus | Fish. |
Neolamprologus pulcher | Plankton |
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus | Molluscs (mainly Neothauma) & fish. It's possible they may eat shell dwelling fish also. |
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | Molluscs, insect larvae & fish. This is not a snail crusher but sucks its prey from the shell. An opportunist feeder. |
Neolamprologus toae | In the wild they reportedly feed at night but in captivity will feed during daylight. Insect larvae & crustaceans. |
Neolamprologus tretocephalus | Molluscs. Intestines are the shortest recorded in the lake for a Cichlid at 30% of body length indicating this is a carnivorous species. This is an opportunist feeder taking anything on offer. |
Neolamprologus wauthioni | Small crustaceans, small invertebrates (shrimp) & insect larvae. |
Ophthalmotilapia | Plankton & insect larvae. Algae also forms part of their diet. Intestines are 3-4 times the length of the fish which suggests vegetable matter is taken. |
Ophthalmotilapia heterodonta | Algae. |
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta | Plankton & other small vegetarian matter. |
Oreochromis tanganicae | Algae. Intestine length 6 times body length. |
Perissodus eccentricus | Scale eater found at great depths. |
Perissodus microlepis | Feeds on scales taken from algae grazers (Tropheus & Pseudosimochromis). |
Petrochromis | Algal feeders. It has been reported that P.trewavassae has an intestine 10 times longer than the total length of the fish & can be over a metre in length. As with Tropheus they should not be fed Beef Heart, Bloodworm or mosquito larvae. |
Petrochromis fasciolatus | Sifts detritus for diatoms. It's possible this fish will take other food sources than algae. Feeds on undersides of rocks. |
Plecodus elaviae | Scale eater. |
Plecodus multidentatus | Scale eater. Main prey being Trematocara sp. |
Plecodus paradoxus | Feeds on scales & smaller fish. Known to hunt in packs. |
Plecodus straeleni | Scale eater mostly on Cyphotilapia frontosa which it mimics. |
Pseudosimochromis | Filamentous algae which is pulled from the substrate. |
Reganochromis calliurus | Shrimps, crabs & small fish. |
Simochromis babaulti & diagramma | Feeds on algae. Intestine measures 3-4 times the fishes length. |
Simochromis loocki | Feeds on debris. |
Simochromis marginatus | Feeds on algae. Intestine measures 6 times body length. |
Spathodus | Invertebrates & algae. Grains of sand have been found in the gut suggesting they may also eat diatoms. |
Tangachromis dhansi | Zooplankton. |
Tanganicodus | Small invertebrates picked from the sand base. |
Telmatochromis | Filamentous algae has been found in stomach contents but the intestine measures only 150% of the fishes length. Due to the teeth structure it's possible these fish take insect larvae. Algae may be taken up while feeding on these larvae. |
Telmatochromis bifrenatus | Fish eggs (L.elongatus of which young fish resemble) & invertebrates. |
Telmatochromis burgeoni | Hard shelled insects & small molluscs. |
Telmatochromis dhonti | Small invertebrates. |
Trematocara | Lives at deeper levels but moves higher at night to feed on insect larvae & crustaceans. These are located by a lateral line near the mouth. |
Trematocara caparti & kufferathi | Zooplankton. |
Trematocara marginatum | Prefers soft, small foods. |
Trematocara nigrifrons & stigmaticum | Generalised feeders taking anything they can get into their mouths. |
Trematocara unimaculatum | Snails & small invertebrates. |
Trematocara variabile | Insect larvae & crustaceans. |
Trematochromis schreyeni | Plankton. |
Triglachromis otostigma | Rakes the mud bottom with spines on the pectoral fin in search of insect larvae & anything else edible. Stmach contents show large quantities of mud. |
Tropheus duboisi | Found in deeper areas than T.moorii (although young have been found in upper levels). This suggests they ae not so dependant on algae to feed. |
Tropheus moorii | Tropheus should be fed mainly vegetarian foods such as Spirulina. Kelp is useful as this contains many trace elements. Diet can also consist of Cyclops, Daphnia & Mysis in small quantities. Foods to avoid are high protein animal foods such as Beef Heart & the insect Bloodworm. |
Tylochromis polylepis | Stomach contents show sand grains which suggests this species collects food from the bottom. Some authors suggest they eat plants such as Vallisneria. The intestine is 2 times as long as the body which suggests a generalised diet. |
Xenochromis hecqui | Scale eater. |
Xenotilapia | Invertebrates found by sifting the sand. |
Xenotilapia bathyphilus, nigrolabiata & ornatipinnis | Plankton. |
Xenotilapia burtoni & longispinis | Invertebrates. |
References - Tanganyika Cichlids. Ad Konings