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This page will help you make a selection from our wide range of top quality foods.
We only buy from the very best feed producers around the world.
Many producers only make very small amounts sometimes only for our orders so you can be assured of freshness.
Our foods do not contain rubbish to bulk the weight up.
Quality does not come cheap but we try to keep our prices as low as we can.
As with anything else you get what you pay for. Your fish deserve the best & this is where you find it.
Click photo's below to open relevant pages.

You should be looking at -

This company make a Betta bits & Super Betta granule in 1mm diameter.

Ocean Nutrition
Home of the famous Atison's Formula, renowned Betta breeder. They stock Betta starter, Betta Pro & Betta Food.

Freeze Dried Blackworm
Our Betta customers also use freeze dried Blackworm as it has a high protein content. Also good for growth rate.

Betta Bio Gold