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Stick Foods

Our stick feeds are freshly made & superior to any other sticks. They are not sourced from manufacturers who sell
the lower grade used by fishermen or cheap grade seen on e-Bay.
We have put high magnification shots of all our sticks so you can see they are not made up of cheap bulky ingredients.
No photo on this page has been colour enhanced or changed from the original shot.
Beware of cheap sticks...

We recommend sticks be fed sparingly.

Not just for big fish. Lots of fish peck away at them including catfish & killies.
We feed them to guppies. As the sticks soften in the water they descend on them & pick away until nothing is left. Note the Corydoras aeneus on right getting in on the act.
I recommend feeding rich Earthworm sticks sparingly (one feed per week) to guppies. They are great for females especially.
Use the Spirulina sticks as they contain the roughage guppies really need.

Wild Triglachromis otostigma taking Spirulina sticks

Our sticks are not the cheapest but they are the best quality.
Freshly hand made in the USA in small batches with no bulky cheap fillers.
Macro photo's below are highly blown up to show ingredients. Diameter of these mini sticks is approx. 2mm so they are now able to be
taken by smaller fish than our regular sticks. The smell is fantastic.
All our sticks contain NO preservatives, All natural ingredients.

German made - Catfish Stick with Wood
This is a great heavy sinking pellet ideal for catfish. Especially good for wood eating L Numbers.
Vegetables, fish and fish by-products, cereals, oils and fats, meat and animal by-products. Various grades available.
Made in the Germany

See Catfish Feed page.

Mini Earthworm Stick
Analytical constituents: 43% Min.Crude Protein, 14% Min.Crude Fat, 7%,
Min.Crude Fibre, 4·5% Moisture.
Fresh Earthworms, fish meal, Soy flour, Wheat, Oat & Gluten Flours, Brine Shrimp, dried Spirulina, Lecithin, Stabilized vitamin C, Fish Oil, vitamin B1, vitamin A, Choline HCL, Biotin, Methonine (Amino acids).
Fantastic food for conditioning fish for breeding. Feed sparingly.

Currently out of stock. Please see our larger Earthworm Sticks below.

Mini Bloodworm Stick
Analytical constituents: 43% Min.Crude Protein, 14% Min.Crude Fat, 7%,
Min.Crude Fibre, 4·5% Moisture.
Fresh Earthworms, fish meal, Soy flour, Wheat, Oat & Gluten Flours, Brine Shrimp, dried Spirulina, Lecithin, Stabilized vitamin C, Fish Oil, vitamin B1, vitamin A, Choline HCL, Biotin, Methonine (Amino acids).
Fantastic food for conditioning fish for breeding. Feed sparingly.

100 grm - £6·95

Mini Blackworm Stick
Analytical Constituents: Min.Crude Protein 44%, Min.Crude Fat 5%,
Crude Fibre 4 %, Max.Moisture 8%
Composition: Salmon Fish Meal, Gluten Flour, Soy Flour, Brewers Yeast, Frozen Blackworms, Corn Starch, Freeze Dried Plankton, Freeze Dried Krill, Brine Shrimp, Dried Spirulina, Garlic Powder, Lecithin. Stabilized Vitamin C. Fish Oil, Vitamin B1, A, Choline HCL, Biotin, Methionine.

  100 grm - £6·95

Mini Beef Heart Stick

Analytical constituents: Min.Crude Protein 48%, Min.Crude Fat 10%,
Min.Crude Fibre5%, Moisture
Composition: Beef Hearts (fully trimmed), Fish Meal, Soy Flour, Oat Flour, Brewers Dried Yeast, Krill, Spirulina,Soy Lecithin, Double Stabilized Vitamin C, Xanthophyll, Canthaxanthin,Vitamin and Mineral Mix, Methionine.

100 grm - £6·95

Out of Stock

Standard Sized Sticks - 3·5mm diameter
We have sold a lot of these sticks. Many repeat orders from our customers.
All our sticks contain NO preservatives, All natural ingredients.
Made in the USA
unless otherwise stated.

Earthworm Stick
Analytical constituents: Min.Crude Protein 43%, Min.Crude Fat 14%, Min.Crude Fibre 7%, Moisture 4·5%
Fresh Earthworms, fish meal, Soy flour, Wheat, Oat & Gluten Flours, Brine Shrimp, Spirulina, Lecithin, Stabilized vitamin C, Fish Oil, vitamin B1, vitamin A, Chlorine HCL, Biotin, Methonine (Amino acids).
Fantastic food for conditioning fish for breeding. Feed sparingly.
We found these beneficial to female Guppy broodstock but feed now & then. These fish need plenty of roughage in their diet.

100 grm - £6·95
Bloodworm Stick
Analytical constituents: 43% Min.Crude Protein, 14% Min.Crude Fat, 7%,
Min.Crude Fibre, 4·5% Moisture.
Fresh Earthworms, fish meal, Soy flour, Wheat, Oat & Gluten Flours, Brine Shrimp, dried Spirulina, Lecithin, Stabilized vitamin C, Fish Oil, vitamin B1, vitamin A, Choline HCL, Biotin, Methonine (Amino acids).
Fantastic food for conditioning fish for breeding. Feed sparingly.
100 grm - £6·95